The Winfield Oldtimers Hockey Club was established in 1974 just prior to the construction of the Winfield Recreation Center. The founding members of the club were mostly Winfield resident hockey players who for many years played in the old North Okanagan Hockey League as the Winfield Raiders.

Prior to 1975 and without an arena in the community local players began lobbying local government to build a rink in Winfield. Many of the first Winfield Old times can be credited as being critical catalyst in getting the local arena built. Since that time and for more than 40 seasons the Winfield old times have played twice a week at the Winfield arena.

As a group of men committed to improving and supporting the community in 1985 the Winfield Old-timers officially created an ongoing and formal fundraising effort. Winfield Oldtimers Sport Association (WOSA) was set up to distribute funds in the community including support to local sports groups like Winfield and District Minor Hockey and Jack Seaton Park. In addition WOSA set up an ongoing bursary named in honor of a founding WOSA member. Each year the Les Schaefer Memorial bursary is made available to a graduating student of an active or retired member of the club. To date WOSA has awarded more that $100,000 in bursaries through the Central Okanagan Bursary Society.

Today the Winfield Oldtimers has an active membership of more than 35 players ranging in age from 30-60 years. The calibre of the group is competitive and has included many past intermediate and junior level players. Many second generation members carry on the tradition including the McCarthy Brothers, Widing brothers, Mike Mitchell and others.

Twice weekly during the winter months the team meets for a completive game followed by cold ones and good cheer.

The team is open to tournament and game offers. For more information please contact us for dates and times.